Tuesday, September 21, 2010

his brother's keeper

I have people who also ask me what will happen to Jessica when we die or can not care for her any more. I can tell you I just don't know. I know that Nicole has said she will care for Jessica, but who knows if that will be realistic? She will have her own life, her own family. It isn't something I just put off thinking about, but I have no answer. I'm not there and I can not say how things should work out in 20 years. I'm glad we have 4 other children. I hope Jessica will never need to live in an institution. But if that must happen, God will be with her. I will love her and take care of her as long as I am able to. I have not given up hope of a cure. But if Jessica has to live in a care facility, it will not be an easy thing to plan. I'm not there, and I'm not going to stress out worrying about what I can not control. I will simply love my girl where she is at. She is at home. Thank God for now she is home!

1 comment:

Blog Administrator, Karen L. Brahs said...

I was working on my blog and checked my traffic counter to see who had visited today, and found your blog address. Your story touched me deeply. I wanted you to know that your earthly trial brought me to pray for you and your beautiful daughter; for strength, for comfort, for peace.

Over the last almost-two years I have had my blog, the Lord has often left me in awe through those He has brought there. His purpose for doing so is His own. I was fed by your story. I hope you found solace in one of mine.

I will continue to pray for you and your family.