Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with Jessica at the acupuncturist. A while back, our daughter Nicole got sick during her swimming class. Her teacher took her back to the school office where she could wait for me to come pick her up. Her swimming teacher and her talked. Somehow they got on the subject of Jessica and autism. It seems Nicoles teacher has a nephew who is 19 years old and also autistic. She said he was receiving acupuncture treatment, and that it had helped him allot. Before the treatment he was non verbal, and very restless. After the treatment (on going for a year), he can speak in single words, and can focus much better. He is much calmer, and can sit with people. Anyway, she gave us the doctors information. They do the acupuncture on the tongue. It sounds impossible. I am not sure how we an actually do this? Jessica wrote her teacher about it. She says she is hopeful that this will "unbind" her tongue. She really wants to talk. I also had a dream about it. Our whole family was in Thailand on vacation. We were on a stopover on the way over to adopt our Chinese daughter. We asked Jessica if she wanted to go get pizza for dinner, and she said very clearly "and coke too"! In my dream we all laughed! We thought her speech was so cute! Tomorrow might be really scary and it may not work. Jessica really wants to try this. I want so much for her to talk, but more important is her own desire to talk. We will try...

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