Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Poor King

An invented fairy tale: The Poor King
By Jessica Heymann

Jan 2002

In a far away empire there was once a reputable king. Telling stories was his passion. He also felt joy when he had women with beards around him. But he was full of hate towards the rich weavers. They were stealing the kings garments out of the king's storage. This was hard for the king to bear. He called all his subjects to come before him and started to speak. The people were truly afraid. He waited if the thieves would come forward but nothing happened. Then a magic hand suddendly appeared on the bridge. All were watching the display with awe and waited what would happen. Suddendly the hand disappeared again again and all the weavers stood there— surprised and without clothes. This was the absolute pick-pocket proof. Quickly the king's guards arrested the thieves and the king was again warm-hearted towards his subjects. Tenderly he thought again about his bearded women and faithful subjects.

Ein ausgedachtes Märchen: Der arme König

Jan 2002
Es lebte einmal in einem fernen Reich ein achtbarer König. Fabulieren war seine Leidenschaft. Freude empfand er auch, wenn er bärtige Frauen um sich hatte. Hasserfüllt aber war er zu den reichen Webern. Diese stahlen aus den Königswarenlagern viele Gewänder. Das ertrug der König schwer. Er rief alle Untertanen zu sich und erhob seine Stimme. Das Volk erschrak wahrhaftig. Er wartete als ob sich die Diebe stellen würden. Aber es geschah nichts. Eine Zauberhand erschien plötzlich auf der tragenden Brücke. Alle bestaunten die Erscheinung und warteten was passieren würde. Plötzlich verschwand die Hand und alle Weber stand erschrocken entblösst in Schande. Das war der absolute Taschendiebbeweis. Schnell fassten die Bewacher das Diebesgesindel und der König war wieder warmherzig zu seinen Untertanen. Zärtlich dachte er an seine bärtigen Frauen und das treue Volk.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A Scary Story

Gruselgeschichte(first in German-then in English)

Als die Welt noch berühmt war für fantastische Begebenheiten trug sich diese Geschichte zu. Eines Tages gingen zwei Brüder frisch und fröhlich durch den bunten Forst. Eine kühle Brise streifte ihre Gesichter. Erstaunt blickten sie um sich. Lautlos zog ein schwarter Nebel vorbei. Dunkle Gestalten lösten sich zaubervoll heraus. Die beiden zitterten wie Espenlaub und fragten die Gestalten was werden soll. "Heute ist Frauenmülltag – alle bösen Frauen treffen sich und werden lebendig für eine Nacht." Leise flüsterten die Brüder und wollten fliehen. Eine unerklärbare Kraft hielt sie fest. Ahnungsvoll erkannten sie dass Särge im Wald lagen. Nun erkannten sie dass es Spukgestalten sind. Der einzige Ausweg bestand darin unbeweglich stehen zu bleiben bis die berüchtigte Feier zu Ende ging. Grossartiger Tanz begann. Laternenschein begleitete das Debakel. Ängstlich wollten die Brüder mittanzen aber sie waren zu müde. Blass stiegen sie in einen Sarg und schliefen ein. Als es dem Ende zuging legten sich die Frauen nieder. Zwei fanden ihren Sarg besetzt und ergriffen die Flucht. Seitdem irren sie durch die Welt und zaubern faulen brachliegenden Menschen Ideen in die Köpfe.

A Scary Story

When the world was still know for amazing events this story took place. One day two brothers went through the colorfull forest fresh and cheerfully. A cool breeze touched their faces. Surprised they looked around. Silently a black fog moved by them. Dark shapes magically appeared out of the fog. The two brothers were shaking aspen leaves und asked the figures what this would mean. "Today is women's garbage day. All evil women meet here and become alive for one night." Quietly the brothers whispered and wanted to flee. But an invisible power held them back. Forebodingly they realized that there were coffins laying in the forest. Now they realized that these were ghosts. The only solution was to stand still and wait until this dreaded party came to an end. A great dance began. Shining lanterns accompanied the debacle. Full of fear the brothers wanted to dance too but they were too tired. Pale they stepped into a coffin and fell asleep. When it all was over the women layed down again. Two found their coffins occupied and fled. Since then they wander aimlessly through the world and put strange ideas into lazy and idle minds.

Winter Poem

Wintergedicht(first in German then in English)

Nov 2001

Winterfreude erwacht

Schneeberge verdecken Wald und Flur

Lachende Kinder toben auf dem zugefrorenen See

Schlittenfahrt baut Zukunftsfreude auf.

Gottes Hand schützt weisses Land.

Verloren ist was ruhig treibt

Frau Grimm erscheint im Winterkleid.

Die Kinder holen Mützen raus – Frau Holle schüttelt Betten aus.

Der verbrauchte Hustensaft wird neu gekauft – und Ärzte haben grossen Zulauf.

Der Wintergarten leuchtet hell und alle Herzen schlagen freudig schnell.

Winter Poem

Nov 2001

The joy of Winter awakens

mountains of snow blanket forest and fields

laughing children play on the frozen lake

Riding a sleigh builds joy about the future

Gods hand protects the white land

Lost is what is quietly floating

Frau Grimm(*) comes in winter clothing.

Children take out their hats — Frau Holle is shaking the beds

Used up cough syrip is bought anew — doctors have a lot of patients

The winter garden is shining bright and all hearts are beating happy and fast.

(*) "Frau Grimm" is Jessica's personal teacher that also helps her to write.

Spring Awakening

Frühlingserwachen(first in German then in English)

Frühling rüstet sich zur Wiedergeburt

findet seine Gefährten

Himmel lacht vor Wonne

Weinen ist genommen.

Grüne Wiesen, Bäche fliessen

reichlich Leben füllt die Luft.

Mag am Tag Musik erklingen

und die Nacht die Ruhe bringen.

Grüne Wiesen, Triebe spriessen,

laues Lüftchen weht

Winterzeit vergeht.

Herzen freuen sich zu leben

gutes kann jeder geben.

Spring Awakening

Spring prepares for resurrection

finds it's companions

Heavens laugh with delight

Crying has been removed.

Meadows are green, brooksare flowing,

life aplenty fills the air.

May music be heard at day

and let the night bring calm.

Meadows are green, sprouts come out

a gentle breeze

makes Winter time wear away.

Hearts are happy to be alive

and good things everyone can give.

some of Jessicas writing

Hi, we are getting rid of our old family homepage.I'm posting some of Jessica's writing here. Juergen (Jessica's dad) promises to start translating more soon (Jessica writes in German). Anyway, here is some of her stuff...

Some of Jessica's writings in the 'original German':

Herbstgedicht(first in German then in English)

Der Herbst gräbt Sommerzeit ab

die Blätter werden matt.

Viele Drachen steigen aufr>
Kinder ärgern sich über Regenlauf.
Riesiger gefährlicher Geisterspuk an Halloween

schreckt die Kinder ohnehin.

Verzagt erfasst der Sturm das Haus

keiner will nun mehr hinaus.

Verwegen trotzt der Wald dem Wind

Frau Holle macht das Bett geschwind.

A Fall Poem

The Fall is eating away at Summer time

Leaves' colors are fading

Kites are rising all around

Children resent the rain

Great scary ghostly spook at Halloween

frightens children anyway

Halfhearted a storm is touching the house

no one wants to go outside

boldly the forest resists the wind

Frau Holle makes the bed(*) in a hurry

(*) Grim fairy tale where 'Frau Holle' making the bed causes snow on the earth.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

compelling evidence that people with autism have dysfunctional mirror neuron systems.

Scientific America has an interesting Theory about at least some of the causes of Autism. They say people with autism have a dysfunctional mirror neuron system.The article is 6 pages long, but interesting reading. There are some really great brain scientist doing good research on autism. I hope they will begin to make some very good progress, for Jessica's sake, and for all the others who need help!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Grandpa's drawing of Jessica!

Hi, my dad drew this picture of Jessica riding on a TukTuk taxi in Thailand. I think He did a great job!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nobel Prize

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) -- American Roger D. Kornberg, whose father won a Nobel Prize a half-century ago, was awarded the prize in chemistry Wednesday for his studies of how cells take information from genes to produce proteins.

Disturbances in that process, known as transcription, are involved in many human illnesses, including cancer, heart disease and various kinds of inflammation. Understanding transcription also is vital to the development of treatments using stem cells. The whole story is Here

I've been learning that people with autism also have this issue of inflammation. Perhaps this research will have an impact on autism, and its treatment? I'll be looking into this...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Video on the face of autism

Is the bucket half empty or half full?

Tonight around 11pm we hear a crash of water coming from Jessica’s bedroom. I'm downstairs getting Jessica her Melatonin, and Juergen is upstairs in our bedroom. We both rush to see what happen. Jessica has fled the scene of the crime. She is in her sister’s room hiding under the covers. In her bedroom we find a bucket of soapy water I had left in the bathroom. It was spilled all over the floor. Thank God it missed the computer power cord. There was also a big jar of olive oil cream spilled on the floor and the couch. We think Jessica tried to put cream on herself. She spilled the cream, and then had the idea to clean up her mess! She left a bigger mess...but the fact she actually tried to clean up really makes us happy! She is slowly getting better.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Jessica is feeling better

Jessica was very sick all last week with the flu. She gave me a mountain of laundry (from throwing up all over the house), and of course the flu! She is feeling very chipper, and I'm feeling just awful. But moms don't get the privilege of just sleeping! I hope all my kids feel well enough to go to school tomorrow, and then maybe I can recover.